iFresh service logistic company
More about our company
A wide range of services to ensure the efficiency and success of our clients' businesses.
About us
Our company acts as a representative in the territory of the Russian Federation for suppliers to federal networks and manufacturers of fresh vegetables and fruits.
2215 containers
2215 containers have been sorted with goods exceeding the defective percentage.
1865 containers
1865 containers have been packed into various individual packages.
614 containers
614 containers have been sold upon the request of our partners.
Warehouse complexes with an area of over 3000 square meters in St. Petersburg and Novorossiysk provide storage and order fulfillment capabilities simultaneously, utilizing eight different temperature regimes.
Our company offers unlimited possibilities in sorting and logistics, ensuring high efficiency and process quality. We strive to meet all your needs and provide flexible options tailored to your business requirements. Trust us to optimize your business processes and achieve maximum efficiency.
Our company takes pride in our team of professionals who possess high qualifications and extensive experience. We are confident that our experts will help you achieve success and meet your goals. By working with us, you can be assured that your order will be executed with a high level of professionalism and quality.
We proudly collaborate with various firms, providing reliable solutions and a high level of service. Trust us and witness how our impeccable reputation can help you achieve your business goals.
Why choose us and what you will get?
  • Solution
    The best solution for your contractual obligations with supermarkets in Russia.
We are always open to communication
+7 921 377 0683
Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Novorossiysk
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