iFresh service logistic company
Service Logistic company
A wide range of services to ensure the efficiency and success of our clients' businesses.
About the company
Our company offers comprehensive services for packaging, sorting, storage, and logistics of goods to maximize the convenience and confidence of our clients.

We offer a broad spectrum of services to help optimize your business processes.

As professionals, we offer an individual approach and reliability to assist you in achieving success.

More about the company
Why should you choose us?
Our specialists will be happy to share their expert opinion based on their knowledge of how to work with a specific product in the current context.
10 years of work experience
Our experience speaks for itself. Over the course of 10 years, we have worked with major retailers, importers, and exporters.
Individual approach
Each company we work with has its own requirements and unique product. We pay attention to every detail.
Our experienced professionals will assist in providing services of the highest quality.
Our Services
We offer several services for our clients. If you can't find the specific service you need, we are always ready to discuss how we can assist you.
Types of packaging we provide:
  • D-Pack
  • E-Pack
  • Flow-pack
  • Boxes of any size
  • Bags
Our warehouse is equipped with a modern storage system with a temperature range from 0 to +18 *C, and we take full responsibility for the goods entrusted to us.
We carry out sorting of any product, regardless of complexity, under the supervision of professional specialists.
What Will You Get?
  • Packaging
    You save money on expensive equipment, technical maintenance, staff training, and procurement of consumables. We have everything necessary to fulfill our clients' orders with any requirements.
  • Storage
    You save money on warehouse rental, maintenance, equipment, and personnel. You get what you need with minimal costs for you.
  • Sorting
    You no longer need to sell off discounted products or dispose of them. We will sort out the high-quality products, and your customer will accept the goods at a pre-agreed price. You can minimize your risks associated with returns of low-quality items. We will help you save your money.
  • You save time and money
    Our goal is to help your business, your consumers, and your partners. We assist you in maximizing the potential of your business.
We are always open to communication
+7 921 377 0683
Russia, Saint-Petersburg Novorossiysk
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